Depth Tarot Session: Pack of 4

from $220.00

A set of 4 tarot sessions can be purchased at once, at a discount. You can either use this series of sessions to go deep on a particular issue/question, or simply purchase four at a time to be used whenever you like. Sessions can be scheduled as far apart as you wish; you might want weekly check-ins for a month during a particularly thorny transition, or you might want seasonal check-ins throughout the year— or you might simply want to use them at your leisure.

After purchasing, we can either book all four, or book just the first for now. I will keep note of how many sessions you have remaining.

For more details on what to expect from a session, check out the FAQ on the tarot offerings page.

Please note: while I am a licensed psychotherapist, and I do bring my counseling skills to these sessions, these tarot sessions are not therapy. If you are seeking therapy, or are not sure which service is best for you, please get in touch and I would be happy to advise.

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